ELTAlgeria News

A decade of Outstanding Achievements

In the first years of the implementation of the reform, teachers were confronted with very complex and challenging tasks. They had to teach and at the same time learn what and how to teach at a rapid rate. They were not only trying to discover the new language outcomes, but also to apply the new approach and strategies. In addition, they refinined and adapted their teaching practices through continuous reflection, assessment and learning over time. Moreover, assessing their own performance helped them know better the effectiveness of their teaching practices. They needed the first years to improve and become the knowledgeable educators we expected them to be.

In the last ten years, teachers have contributed to the building of a pyramid whose summit is the educational reform based on the Competency Based Approach “CBA”, the integration of Information Communication Technologies “ICTs” and learning through the Project Based Pedagogy “PBP”.

     When teachers are invited and encouraged to contribute to different Teacher Professional Development Courses individually, in pairs or in groups, they are motivated to work in collaboration as they share and  exchange ideas through their creative suggested techniques.         

        Since the educational reform, teachers who have been involved in different projects, have proved to be flexible with a positive response to the change; most of them confessed the development of their teaching skills since they could cope with many problem-solving situations especially when using ICTs within the Competency Based Approach.          

         Through the different trainings that have been held, teachers have become more autonomous and innovative, they have broken up their class routine, and went beyond the borders of their schools. Now they seize the opportunity to meet  and share their professional, pedagogical, didactic, disciplinary as well as technological competencies.  In short , they continue their way to new prospects .

Algerian teachers of English are involved in three major projects :


The first ELT Algerian website designed  for educators all

over the country and the world. 


The Teachers Project Pedagogy, a new approach that involves

teachers in their continuing professional development. More…..

supports collaboration and online linkages among students, educators, and community youth leaders from U.S. and overseas secondary schools and youth organizations. – See more at: http://exchanges.state.gov/non-us/program/global-connections-and-exchange#sthash.JfmebPKd.dpuf 

GCE : Global Connections and Exchange Program

  Supports collaboration and online linkages among students, educators and community youth leaders from U.S and overseas secondary schools and youth organizations. 

Mr. Seddik Amari,

Please accept my warmest congratulations upon your retirement. You have enjoyed a long and productive career of which you can justly be proud. Your many contributions as a teacher of English as well as a supervisor are widely appreciated. You have demonstrated a lot of vision and initiative in working to develop the teaching of English as a foreign language in Algeria. More than this, you contributed in providing different sectors with educators, doctors, engineers, technicians and outstanding teachers.

  The years have really gone by fast and a lot of changes took place in all our lives. But the generations you have formed and the colleagues you have worked with can say nothing but acknowledge your generosity, kindness and big heartedness.  They have all learned from you, from your honesty, sincerity, serious, methodical and hard work

      I do congratulate you on the fruitful and rewarding years you spent as a supervisor. You demonstrated high skills and great professionalism.

     I truly hope that you are blessed to be able to accomplish the things you have planned and that you keep up the good work you have always done. May God help you in your future endeavours.

With best regards,

Mustapha Louznadji

A Great Recognition to a Great Teacher

October 05th, is a day of recognition to every teacher in the world through the history of education.

This year, we are proud to share with you a very special day.

We are pleased to share with you the honor we have had at the nomination of Miss.Kheira Mezough, a teacher of English, to be granted the first class Order of Merit from Oran state local authorities on behalf of the Ministry of National Education

Miss.Mezough is a committed educator who has been intensively involved in her own professional development and many educational projects.

A high school teacher, ICT trainer,science fair project facilitator, ELT@lgeria webmaster, iEARN@lgeria country coordinator, iEARN online course facilitator, and ESP master student deserves such a distinguished award.

There is nothing better than the recognition of a teacher’s  hard work and loyal services to education.


Oran 2013


Congratulations Kheira on the Order of Merit you have been awarded. Working side by side with such a great wise man as Mr.Mustapha Louznadji pays.

Abdeljallal El Hariri

Ibn Majah High School

Agadir, Morocco


Dear Kheira,

Congratulations on this award.   You have done much to deserve it and I’m very pleased that the Education officials have recognized the value you bring to the classroom.


Ed Gragert
Executive Director Emeritus, iEARN-USA


Congratulation Khiera. You really deserve

Hasan Karableyeh 



Proud to say I know her and we are great friends!! So proud of her and happy for her. Way to go Kheira.

Kathy Bosiak
Science Department Chair

Lincoln High School,

North Carolina.


Dear Kheira,

We are all so proud of you! It is a well deserved award in your journey.

You have exerted so much effort to get iEARN started in Algeria for so many years. Thank you so much for your sustained efforts, your vision for iERN in Algeria and your support in the iEARN@lgeria community.

 Eliane Metni

iEARN-Lebanon Coordinator


Congrats on your amazing accomplishment!

You are well deserving of such a high honor

Amanda Mis Funk

Hillsborough County School District,



Dear teacher,

I am so proud of you and very lucky to have you both as a teacher 8 years ago and a colleague now.

You really deserve it.

God bless you.

Fairouz Lekhal,

Sid Elbachir High School

Oran, Algeria


Dear Kheira,

All my congratulations for this great reward that you really deserve. You have always been such a devoted teacher and I don’t think that it needs any comment.

Best regards.

Yamina Brahimi,

Adda Abdelkader High School,

Oran, Algeria


Congratulations Ms.Mezough. You deserve the best. And you have a new responsibility now.

Kemal Bereksi,

Oran, Algeria. 


Dear Kheira,
Congratulations on the award you have received!
The award didn’t come as  a surprise to me, for I know how much you are devoted to your noble job and how much you have done for eltalgeria.
Keep up the good work,
                                                                                                                     Jamal Eddine Slimani,


The best is to come. You deserve it. Congratulations

Tayeb Zebbar,

Inspector of Middle School Education

Oran, Algeria



Your dedication, enthusiasm and insight are really inspiring for us all. You’ve made us all proud. Keep up the good work!

Mostaganem, Algeria


Thank you for sharing this Mustapha!  Congratulations to Kheira on her well deserved recognition.  She has been a great asset to the Chris Stevens Youth Network.


Diane Charlton Midness

Director Professional Development Workshops



 A big congratulations to Kheira for all of her accomplishments! She is such an inspiring and dedicated educator and a joy to collaborate with on global projects.

Jennifer Russell

Program Coordinator

Mr. Tayeb Zebbar

The local Inspectorate of English Language of Oran with the teachers of that district organised a farewell ceremony to honour the commitment, communication skills,overall professionalism and the sense of humour of Mr T Zebbar, Middle School Inspector who retired recently.

Heightened with the presence of personalities from the world of education; Mr K.Bereksi, a former Inspector General – a leading light in TEFL , Mr M Louznadji, Inspector General – a source of inspiration, Mis S.Belbachir, a teacher trainer dedicated to education in Algeria, the ceremony was hearty; full of emotions and sincerity.

For those who didn’t have the chance to work with the man, the boss, let me confess that not everyone like me is lucky enough to find a friend, mentor, idol, leader, teacher, manager and counsellor in one person. Thanks for being my all in one colleague.

T.Zebbar is for educators what D. Beckam would be for an aspiring footballer, Brad Pitt would be for an aspiring actor. Just like all trees need water to grow and all humans need air to live, education needs people like him to survive.

    I want to thank him for promoting and giving a raise to co-workers, more importantly, I want to thank him for identifying people’s skills and giving them chance to prove their worth in TEFL. So, Thanks Boss.

   Magazines rate people of art as the top in the world. That’s because they just haven’t discovered him yet.

    The biggest problem in having an extraordinary person like him is that I’ll never be happy working with anyone else ever .

   Mr T. Zebbar has really limited my career options because I’ll fellow him soon. Thanks Boss.

By Mr.Mokhtar Djebara

Middle School Inspector of English

Oran 2014

Some Feedback

 Congratulation Sir,

I never regret the retirement of a committed educator, I do rather seize the opportunity to express my heartfelt gratitude that I met such a person a day in my life.

I was introduced to Mr.Zebbar as a novice teacher when I gave a presentation to my colleagues. We were in early days of the educational reform, with limited ICT material and skills.

I would be boastful if I say that he was impressed by our presentations. But he was so dedicated to teachers under his supervision that he had planned a professional development course for them and invited us to share with them what we learned from research and collaboration with our Inspector, Mr.Louznadji.

Mr.Zebbar’s care is so obvious on his face. It was end of April, this means the end of the school year, and we worked with more than 100 teachers.

Mr.Zebbar, you are simply a real coach!


Respectfully yours,

Kheira Mezough


Dear Tayeb,

Please, accept my warmest congratulations upon your retirement. You have enjoyed a long and productive career you can just be proud.

Please accept my vehement protestation of gratitude for your serious, methodical and hard work.

Please kindly accept the expression of my cordial thanks for your generosity, kindness and heartedness.

May God help you in your future endeavours, dearest Tayeb. 

Mustapha Louznadji 


 To All My Wonderful Colleagues,

You know now that I am a retiree.  I wanted to hide it but some very “kind” friends organised a party to make sure I am not going to resume work.

 I’d like to thank each and every one of you,  for your help in creating a satisfying and pleasant work environment over the last 14 years spent in The wilaya of Oran.

As happy as I am to be moving to a next life, I confess that I am also a little sad that I won’t be seeing all of you on regular basis. I’ve enjoyed most of the time spent among you, working, assessing, helping, “quarrelling” and joking sometimes in hilarious atmospheres.

But, beyond this, and most important to me, I’ll surely miss working with you and learning from you. I’m quite happy of what we have achieved lately, and I sincerely thank you for backing me during all those years.

Thank you Kheira, Mokhtar and Mustapha  for your nice words.



You left your job, but I am certain you’ll never stop working on things you love to do. I’m glad that you are retiring simply because I’m looking forward to seeing you more often, Master!

Best wishes.

Khalid Baghoussi
Mentor, Mostaganem


Dear Sir,

Please accept my sincere wishes on your retirement. It is time to enjoy all the things you never had time to do when you were working. Mr.Zebbar, May your retirement be the best days of your life.

 Chikh Boudellal

 Es senia New High School